Our Impact Outside of Ukraine

When the full-scale invasion began, our team of volunteers rushed to the borders. We found families fleeing with nothing, desperate for safety. Right there, in the midst of chaos, we stepped in to help.

Below are glimpses from those pivotal moments—stories from the earliest days of the war that remind us why this work matters.


Our teams of volunteers (over 30 people) have been operating on the ground in Siret, Romania since the beginning of the war, providing hard currency directly to refugees as they cross the border. 


We are operated in Narva, Estonia in collaboration with Rubikus, a Germany-based non-profit that supports Ukrainian refugees with travel logistics.

There is now a significant flow of Ukrainians into Estonia through the Russian Federation. For the most part, these are people that were removed, against their will, from Mariupol, Ukraine into the Russian Federation. They were then detained in “filtration camps'' for various lengths of time. Those of them that manage to get out of these detention facilities in southern Russia are assisted by an Underground Railroad of volunteers to the Estonian border, which they cross, on foot, into Narva.

The Rubikus team is able to support them with travel and lodging (through a grant from Nova Ukraine), but, after weeks and weeks on enemy soil, most have zero financial means. This is where we come in. Please join us in helping support people who’ve been through hell and back. 

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