Empowering displaced families to thrive today and build a brighter future through direct aid, leadership development, and educational programs, starting with Ukraine.

We provide direct aid to displaced families, empowering them to meet critical needs.

We prioritize those hit hardest: women, children, seniors, and people with disabilities.

To make a lasting impact, we launched a leadership program for young women in Ukraine.

families served

$2.7 million



Bias for action
We can’t stand and just watch. We don't just stand by and watch. We pivot swiftly to meet the demands of the day.

Staying human
We operate on the ground, meet those we serve face to face, and treat them with respect and cultural awareness.

We respect individual freedom. We provide money instead of services to give refugees more control over their lives.

We bring volunteers, donors, and refugees together to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.

We collaborate with other organizations, but our loyalty remains with those we help and with our community.


To date, millions of people have been displaced in and outside of Ukraine. Countless tragedies are playing out every day, with no end in sight.

Traditional NGOs are providing basic necessities like food, warmth, and shelter. At the same time, people displaced from their homes often have little or no spending money. They need little things like SIM cards to call loved ones, get online, buy clothing for the kids, simple hygiene items, phone and laptop chargers, etc. The difference between having nothing in one’s pocket, no financial freedom at all, and having some hard currency is not to be underestimated.


We got our start when Natasha and Semyon Dukach of Boston, MA realized that they had an opportunity to make a difference. They flew to Romania and distributed about $7,000 in cash of their own money to families crossing the border on foot. Since then, dozens of volunteers have joined the effort.

Cash For Refugees is now a scalable non-profit with operations in the United States, Romania, and Ukraine; and quickly expanding to where the need is greatest. Dedicated to our mission of providing financial assistance to those displaced by the war, we operate with no bureaucracy, minimal overhead, and complete transparency. We do our best to be in the right place at the right time.